Thursday, January 16, 2014

Today was a big day

Last night I had a dream that I was given a baby boy and then I woke up from a nap because the baby was crying and I was so confused as to why I was hearing a baby cry until I remembered that it was mine!

This dream represents my current feelings about everything I guess. It is all surreal and strange. I know I have a baby on the way but it doesn't really feel that way since I am not the one pregnant. I know in the end that it won't matter and that I will love that baby with everything I have. It is just strange.

Anyway, thank goodness for technology! I was able to see the first ultrasound today via Skype. I was introduced to the doctor as the "mom to be" and then the camera was turned towards the ultrasound screen. The first thing I saw was that there was, in fact, a pregnancy. I couldn't really make out a baby but I knew what to look for since I had been here before with my own pregnancy (and I looked up many images of ultrasounds at 8 weeks on Google images). The next thing I was looking for was any indication that there were more than one baby. There was just the one, which is great news for everyone involved! I mean two would be a blessing also, but we don't want to put our surrogate under any more stress than necessary and I am not sure what I would do with two babies at one time!

So, once we could see that there was just one baby (or the likeness of an alien) in there, we looked for the heartbeat and shortly thereafter, there it was! Nice and fast, just like it should be! My instant reaction was to cry at the relief and cry tears of happiness, but I held it together, (because I was on my lunch break at work). The doctor said that everything looked "great" and that the next appointment should be in 4 weeks. The baby measured right at 8 weeks and the due date is August 28th.

Now that I have seen the heartbeat, I am feeling like breathing a little more, I am getting a little more excited, yet still cautiously so. I am thankful for the positivity and love that our surrogate and her family have daily. I am also thankful for my many positive friends! I will get there eventually. I did do a little shopping today for some things that I remembered being nice to have around when I was pregnant for a short time and sent them off to her in the mail with a smile. Yes, today was a big day and here are the pictures. :)

1 comment:

  1. I was crying too hard to keep reading past the 2nd paragraph, and sent up prayers for you and her, and everyone involved. I love you tons and I am SOO happy for you!!
