Thursday, April 24, 2014

10 year anniversary and a baby on the way......finally!

This past weekend was a great weekend. On the 17th, we celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary flying across country to visit Electra and family. Ginger's grand parents to be "Gigi" and "Papa Tom" picked us up from the airport and we all went to Electra's home for dinner and fun family time. The next morning, 7 of us went to the doctor to see Ginger.

It was our first ultrasound since week 8 and I at least was very nervous. We have had heart beat checks a few times and every one was great but we hadn't actually seen the little one and if you remember the last picture, it didn't look like much! Also, during each check, the heartbeat would seem to come and go and the doctors attributed that to the baby moving around but I was worried that we would be surprised with twins. (This would have been good and or scary surprise depending on who you talk to.)

Anyway, we went through a genetic interview with the doctor and thank goodness Gigi was there because Dan and I didn't know half of the answers to the medical questions that she did. The doctor listened to everything and discussed with us that she didn't see anything to worry about genetically and then we were taken to the ultrasound room.

The first thing that the ultrasound tech did was determine the baby's gender. As you all remember, Dan did not want to find out but I did. So, the technician told us all to look away while she did that part and then she printed out the telling photos and slid them into an envelope and handed it to me. The envelope is still sealed, I don't want to spoil it and I am afraid that I might if I open it.

Then the fun part began. We saw little Ginger, (just one). We counted 10 fingers and 10 toes, we saw the heart chambers, we saw Ginger yawn, swallow, wave and turn. It was amazing! Surprisingly, I didn't cry, I was too fascinated, it was truly wonderful!

The doctor's said everything looked perfect. they didn't see anything to be worried about and they said we were right on par for August 28th.

Seeing this ultrasound made everything so much more real and I am so much more relaxed about it all. There really is a baby coming soon! After 10 years of marriage, 10 years of trying (6 seriously) for this baby, he or she is actually going to join our family in about 4 months!!! Thank the Lord!
(That being said, please continue to pray for the health and safety of both Ginger and Electra.)

After the ultrasound, we spent the next couple of days enjoying family time together playing horseshoes, eating and watching movies. It was really a great time. All of our cousins (Electra's boys) are so fun to watch with the baby bump. They talk to baby and rub the bump as they walk by, so cute!

Speaking of rubbing the bump, I got to feel Ginger move, it was only a little and it felt like nothing more than a fly crawling across my palm, but I did feel it and that was awesome!

I am now starting to worry about getting the house in order and getting everything we need for the little one. Thankfully, I have many girlfriends who are throwing me one heck of a shower next week where 40 or so women will be at my house celebrating. I have avoided baby showers like the plague for the last few years. They were just too depressing. This shower is going to be a party, a celebration, no silly shower games, maybe a few "Oh's and Ah's" over baby items, lots of laughter, maybe a few tears and a whole lot of fun. :) I can't wait!

Here are a couple of pictures for your enjoyment.....


  1. As per usual, I am in tears after reading but Glory be, these are HAPPY tears!! I love you and I can't wait to meet Ginger, I am beyond excited for you!
