Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Round two?

So when you have something so fantastic, you want more of it and this is the same with children. We were offered the opportunity to try for another baby. If you remember we had 5 frozen embryos available. Electra offered to do a second implant and after much discussion and prayer, we decided to go for it.

She started on the meds and everything was a go for late September. She and Mr. Electra flew out and we started the weekend with a football game and golfing for the guys and playing with Nathan for the girls. We also enjoyed watching the Harvest Moon/ Total Lunar Eclipse.

We then drove up to Phoenix for the appointment and learned during lunch that the embryo that was thawed didn't make it and we needed to thaw another one. This was very sad news.

So we gave the go ahead to thaw another one and we waited. We returned to the doctor several hours later to see that the second embryo was doing what it was supposed to be doing and was ready to implant. Electra got to take her headache inducing nitro to prepare for implantation and we got to see the little embryo go in on the monitor. It was really cool to watch!

So we knew it was there and not on the floor or still in the catheter and all we could do was wait. Electra was told to move around as much as possible which was totally different from last time. So, we went out to dinner and the next day the guys played more golf and we found a dairy farm to hang out at before we drove back to Tucson.

Electra and hubby left the next day and we waited for the blood test on the 8th of October.

I had this overwhelming feeling when I saw the second embryo that it wasn't going to take. I don't know why, but it must of been a premonition because on the 8th, the test was negative. The little embryo failed to hang on. We are all very, very sad.

I feel sort of guilty feeling sad since we were already given such a wonderful miracle, why be greedy? At the same time though, we were offered another miracle, how could we not say yes? The disappointment is still there, definitely less than if we didn't already have Nathan. He keeps our spirits up for sure! So, we love him more and hold him a little tighter and move on.

I didn't write about this before as I wanted to keep it a secret and write about it when I had a cute pregnancy announcement picture with Nathan in it saying he was going to be a big brother. Maybe that was a mistake. I believe in the power of prayer and I believe that prayers from all of you were a big part of why Nathan is here today! So, if we decide to try again, I will let you all know from the start, we will need your prayers!

Until then, thank you for following Nathan's growth and liking all of his adorable photos!

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