Friday, February 15, 2013

What to do now???

As many of you know, I do better when I have a plan. I am trying to figure out what that plan is right now and we are exploring the alternative options available for having a baby. The first option we have explored is surrogacy and wow.... this is quite stressful. We don't even know where to begin but do know that there are lawyer fees, medical fees and surrogate fees.

From what we can tell so far, surrogacy could cost anywhere from 30,000 to 100,000  dollars, depending on the route you take and the experience of the surrogate and if you go through and agency or go with a private person. It is all so complicated and scary. Arizona state laws for children go with their "birth" parents. That means that if we used a surrogate and her eggs, that if, God forbid, she decided to keep the baby, she would have a pretty good chance of winning her case...... that doesn't make me too excited to go out and try this method.

Adoption for now is still not something we are ready to explore. So, that leaves us feeling like we are back at square one..... (together, alone, without the rest of our family). That means that I don't have a plan and I am not doing better, but I have great ways of seeming like I am OK and will continue to do so, because I have to, because that is what I have always done.

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