Monday, November 11, 2019

The stress of infertility and having a positive pregnancy test

The first appointment with the high risk OB was uneventful, just routine testing, no ultrasound and a lot of talking. She referred me to another specialist for a consult and said to schedule my ultrasound for two weeks out. However, the office had nothing available until three weeks out. That 3 week wait was the LONGEST ever! I was just as busy with work, mom life and various projects but I couldn't stop stressing over symptoms I was supposed to be feeling and not or over analyzing everything I was feeling for something bad. This was the same between ultrasounds at the fertility clinic. All of our struggles made us jaded. I kept trying to stay positive and not stress but all the while really just stressed out over everything. I just knew that I wouldn't see the heartbeat or that they would say something looked wrong or that I would miscarry before getting to the appointment. I was robbed of the blissfulness that I felt back in 2011 when we got pregnant naturally, saw the heartbeat at 6 weeks and  had no worries sin the world that anything would go wrong. Back then, it was too "perfect", "meant to be" after so many failed fertility treatments. That lack of concern back then caused us to be completely blindsided when it all fell apart at 12 weeks. So, this time around, I worried, I prayed, held my breath and pushed on. I went into my ultrasound worried that the baby had stopped growing or that I wouldn't see the heartbeat. What I saw instead left me in happy tears! I saw the spine, the heartbeat, the brain, 10 fingers and a jumping, waving, resting its hand on its face and turning baby!
Needless to say, I was thrilled! The same day, I did the NIPT testing which would reveal any genetic abnormalities and the baby's gender if we wanted to know......

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