Monday, January 14, 2013

Clomid, the go to drug for OBGYN's who's patients are whinning about not being pregnant.

After two years of "not really trying", I started asking my doctor to help. She kept telling me I was "still young" and that I "have plenty of time to have a baby", but after several visits, she finally prescribed Clomid. Clomid is a drug that you take on days 3 through 7 of your cycle and it stimulates your follicles to grow and produce eggs. Side effects of this drug include extreme bloating, irritability and pain in the abdomen. (Really great side effects for what your trying to do. You don't want to be touched, at all!) The hope is that after taking this drug, you become more fertile and you can then conceive naturally. You may even have twins! OK, sign me up! Well, after 6 months, nothing happened naturally and we decided to see an infertility specialist who then gave me the same line about being young and having plenty of time and gave me the same damn drug..... Clomid! This time though, we went for the IUI as well. An IUI is a procedure where they push your spouses little swimmers into your uterus at "just the right time" and you hope and pray for two weeks that his guys found your egg and that fertilization took place and you end up pregnant. That "two week wait" is horrible for a woman's mental state. Every little thing becomes a possible pregnancy symptom and you spend your time analyzing everything and researching early pregnancy signs/ symptoms and convincing yourself that it worked. The first one didn't work for us. That doctor continued me on Clomid for two more cycles, sent me into another surgery and then declared IVF my only option. It was later that I found out that you should NEVER be on Clomid for more than 6 months because if after 6 months, you are not pregnant, then Clomid is not for you, it will not work.....ever. Great, just great!


  1. So great to have a prescription pad and not know what to I'd with it

  2. It is great to see you putting your story out there. I hope this blog works for both catharsis and an eventual happy ending. :)

  3. I am happy you are sharing your special story. Not only will it help you, it will help all the others out there going through the same thing as you. I have been and will continue to be by your side every step of the way! I love you so much Sam!!!
