Thursday, January 24, 2013

Egg retrieval day

We left our house today at 5:30am so we could be at the Doctor's office by 8am. We arrived at 7:45am and waited until 9:15 before we were called back. I have no idea why they wanted us there by 8 but at least I had a good book to read.

Once they called us back, I was given a shot in my hip, an IV of fluids, oxygen and some sort of cocktail in my IV that made me fall deeply into sleepy town. So, I have no idea what went on in during the procedure at all. I do not remember getting out of the hospital gown or getting into the car for the ride home. I woke up for a few minutes when we got home and ate some lunch and then went back to sleep until dinner. I am awake some now but not for long, sleepy town is calling my name again. I sure hope this wears off before I have to go to work tomorrow!

Anyway from what Dan says, the doctor told him that they retrieved 5 eggs and that he "hopes to get at least one or two embryos from that".

I do not know how I feel about this. That statement makes me feel like the eggs were no good.

All I can do now is wait and see. They will call me tomorrow and let me know if we have embryos and how many.

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