Sunday, January 27, 2013

Embryo check in - day 3

So, apparently day three is three days after your egg retrieval day because in embryo land, the count starts with zero. Day zero is the day you get your eggs harvested and three days later, they are checked.

Anyway, by day three, the embryos should have anywhere between 7 and 12 cells. If they do, this is a good sign that they will make it to Blastocyst stage, which is the stage you want on day 5, embryo transfer day (the day they put the embryos back into your body).

The doctor called today after she checked on our four little embryos and let me know that we have two 5 cell embryos, one 8 cell embryo and one 10 cell embryo. Great news that they are all still alive and growing, not so great news about the two only being 5 cell at this point but they could be delayed because they did not fertilize naturally, the doctor had to fertilize the egg instead which could cause the delay. So we won't count them out yet!

The 8 cell and 10 cell though are definitely on target to be nice Blastocysts on Tuesday. She will let them do their thing tomorrow and check them all again on Tuesday before our transfer.

Below is a visual for your prayers. Thank you all!



  1. Is it weird that this post has made me cry?

  2. I don't think it's weird, they all make me cry, even though I say before I read it that I am not going to.

  3. Praying for y'all. Hugs!! Love ya!

  4. Sorry for making ya'll cry. I love you both and thanks for the prayers!

  5. We have shed many tears for you in this journey. So happy tears are good.
