Monday, January 14, 2013

Not quite ready for IVF, time for a new doctor.

After the first infertility specialist in town sent me through three cycles of IUI and another surgery with no results, we decided to move on. Where we live, there are only two options for doctors in the city, so after a 400 dollar consultation, we were told we could still try IUI and use different medication and it "should work" considering we are young. (If I had a dollar for every time I heard that one!) So, we did, we tried the new drugs..... injections (OUCH!) and another IUI, without success. We ended up doing three IUI's and ANOTHER surgery with that doctor before he started talking IVF too. As you can imagine, every time, every "two week wait" was pure torture. By the end of 2009, we were feeling pretty broken and were having a hard time feeling like we were ever going to be successful and wondering if it was even worth it, if we were worth it. So, we took a short break. I went on a two week vacation over the Christmas break and he stayed home. Visiting my family was wonderful and much needed and during that time, he and I had long conversations at night and missed each other greatly.

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